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I can but u ending a life

I can give you life,
but I can’t live it for you.
I can give you instructions,
but I can’t tell you where to go.
I can give you liberty,
but I can’t help you to protect it.

I can teach you the difference between good and bad,
but I can’t make the decision for you.
I can give you advice,
but I can’t accept it for you.
I can give you love,
but I can’t force you to receive it.
I can teach you to share,
but I can’t stop you from being selfish.
I can teach you to respect,
but I can’t make you be respected.

I can counsel you about your friends,
but I can’t choose them for you.
I can teach you everything you need to know about sex,
but I can’t make you act responsibly.
I can talk to you about drinking,
but I can’t say "no" or "just one" for you.
I can warn you about drugs,
but I can’t stop you from using them.
I can talk to you about having important goals,
but I can’t achieve them for you.

I can teach you about charity,
but I can’t make you be generous.
I can pray for you,
but I can’t make you walk with God.
I can talk to you about how to live,
but I can’t give you eternal life.

When everything is said and done, everybody decides for him or herself how they will live their life. I love you, I accept you, and I hope with all my heart that you make the right decisions.

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